[ZK Learning Group 2] Circom workshop #1

Circom serves 2 primary purposes:

  1. Lets you define a set of constraints that implicitly is equivalent to some function.

  2. Define at proving-time, how you should fill in the nodes of your Arithemtic circuit - intermediate variables. (witness generation).

pragma circom 2.0.3;

template Main() {
  signal input x; 
  signal x_squared;
  signal x_cubed;
  signal output out;
  // witness generation: IR gen
  x_squared <-- x * x;
  x_cubed <-- x_squared * x;
  out <-- x_cubed - x + 7;

  // constraint definition
  x_squared === x * x;
  x_cubed === x_squared * x;
  out === x_cubed - x + 7;

component main = Main();

On signals

  • they are not bits.

  • they are prime field elements. modulo p, where p is the babyjubjub prime.

On witness generation

  • You know some x that results in some public out, such that f(x) = y (y = out)

  • For convenience, circom allows you to generate the intermediate witnesses, as opposed to having the user to supply them.

  • This is done with the <-- notation


  • constraints are done with === notation

  • can only use * or + operators

  • must look like either"

a * b === c;
d === f + e;


Comilation gives up a number of files, including the .r1cs file.


  • Compiling the circuit gives us an R1CS file, that can be used with different toolstacks, that implement the Groth16 protocol.

  • Think of it as a IR representation; like your compiled bytecode.

.wasm file

  • a wasm exceutable program that implements the single arrow stuff - witness generation.

  • witness generation program that allows derivation of the intermediate signals (x_squared, x_cubed) just from the single input, x.

vkey: verification key

  • goes into your smart contract for verification.

  • a .sol file is also created, whjich is a contract based on the vk that serves as the verification component.

  • .sol file would expose a verifyProof function

.zkey: proving key

  • goes into your client, Dapp Front-end.

  • used in proof generation.

When can't you simply just <== for all constraints/intermediates?

// I know some x1,x2,x3,x4 such tt
Eq: f(x) = (x1 + x2)/ x3 - x4 

Intermediate Rep: 
y1 / x3 - x4 
y2 - x4

y1 = (x1 + x2)
y2 = y1/x3
  • Input signals: x1,..x4

  • Intermediates : y1, y2

pragma circom 2.0.3;

template Main() {
  signal input x1;
  signal input x2;
  signal input x3;
  signal input x4;

  signal y1;
  signal y2;

  signal output out;

//witness generation
  y1 <-- x1 + x2;
  y2 <-- y1 / x3;
  out <-- y2 - x4;

// constraints can only have quadratic expressions
// can only use + or *
  y1 === x1 + x2;
  y1 === y2 * x3;
  out === y2 - x4;

component main { public [ x2 ] } = Main();

Notice that in this example we cannot simply use <=== to combine out witness generation and constraint definition.

The reason we have to seperate is cos' of the y2 <-- y1 / x3;

  • In witness generation you are allowed to use arbitrary operations like division.

  • But in defining constraints, we can only use quadratic expressions.

  • So instead of y2 <-- y1 / x3; >>> it becomes y1 === y2 * x3;

// the following would be a valid circuit:
  y1 <== x1 + x2;

  y2 <-- y1 / x3;
  y1 === y2 * x3;

  out <== y2 - x4;

You are only allowed quadratic constraints: a+b*c

  • can't do x*x*x


pragma circom 2.0.3;

include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/mimcsponge.circom";

template Main() {
  signal input x;
  // signal input hash;

  signal output out;

  component mimc = MiMCSponge(1, 220, 1);
  mimc.ins[0] <== x;
  mimc.k <== 0;

  out <== mimc.outs[0];

  // out === hash;

component main = Main();
// include for importing
// be it dir or direct from github
// allows re-use of circuits to build larger circuits


Allows you to enter values that are params

  • params are for dynamic parts of the circuit

  • like counter of a for loop

  • must be specified by compile time. cos the compiled circuit cannot have such dynamic parts like loops.

  • At compile time, circuits must be bounded.

  • n must be known at compile time.

  • For loops just serve as a kind of syntatic sugar - they get unrolled into individuals lines of code.

Last updated

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