pragma circom 2.1.8;
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/comparators.circom";
// Write a circuit that constrains the 4 input signals to be
// sorted. Sorted means the values are non decreasing starting
// at index 0. The circuit should not have an output.
template IsSorted() {
signal input in[4];
component main = IsSorted();
template IsSorted() {
signal input in[4];
signal a;
a <== GreaterEqThan(2)([in[0], in[1]]);
signal b;
b <== GreaterEqThan(2)([in[1], in[2]]);
signal c;
c <== GreaterEqThan(2)([in[2], in[3]]);
// why constaint to 1?
a === 1;
b === 1;
a === 1;
component main = IsSorted();
constraint to 1: why
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