
The DefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy contract is essentially the on-chain interest rate model. It contains two key functions:

  1. calculateInterestRates

  2. _getOverallBorrowRate

calculateInterestRates calculates the latest supply, variable borrow and stable borrow rates as explained previously.

_getOverallBorrowRate calculates the overall borrow rate given how much stable and variable rate loans have been taken.


Each asset has its interest rate parameters stored on-chain via a DefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy contract.

These parameters are set in the constructor on deployment. We can explore their values by interacting with the deployed contract. For example, DAI contract on mainnet:

on-chain parameters
R_intercept = 0
R_slope1 = 0.04
R_slope2 = 0.75
U_optimal = 0.80

These parameters were obtained from DAI's DefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy contract, and are accurate at time of writing.

Periodically, parameters are modified to better suit market conditions. Proposals to update these parameters are submitted and passed via Aave's governance.


Calculates the overall borrow rate as the weighted average between the total variable debt and total stable debt.


Executed as part of .updateInterestRates, it is usually ran towards the end of a state-changing function (borrow, supply, etc). It calculates the new interest rates for

  • supply

  • variable borrow

  • stable borrow

given that liquidity conditions and utilization have changed. This is well explained in the common functions section: calculateInterestRates.

Last updated