

The updateInterestRates function serves to update the following interest rates

  • liquidity interest rate

  • variable borrow interest rate

  • stable borrow interest rate

Typically, this function is executed after state-changes have been done (borrow, repay, supply, etc), to reflect updated rates, accounting for said action taken.



updateInterestRates will modify system-wide rates according to whether

  • liquidity added: supply or repay

  • liquidity removed: borrow or redeem

  • In most instances, either liquidityAdded or liquidityRemoved will be a zero value, while the other is a non-zero value.

  • The core logic is wrapped within .calculateInterestRates, which returns the updated rates.

Execution Flow



Visual Walkthrough

  • get necessary ratios which will be used in the later section to examine if utilization has exceeded certain thresholds

  • If borrow utilization exceeds optimal utilization, {...}, else {...}

  • OPTIMAL_USAGE_RATIO and MAX_EXCESS_USAGE_RATIO are immutable; values are set within constructor.

  • For in-depth explanation on why the increments are done as above, see:

  • there is an additional check for stable rates

  • getOverallBorrowRate simply calculates the weighted average borrow rate based off variable and stable components

  • currentLiquidityRate is calculated as a component of overallBorrowRate, accounting for the portion that goes to the treasury.

Complete picture

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