collateral check


Interest rates are updated to account for the withdrawal of deposits, and therefore the reduction of supply. See .updateInterestRates


  • Transaction reverts on invalid reserveIndex

Let's examine the bitwise manipulations with an example. In this example, we assume six bits for simplicity, w.r.t to

Example: Check if the user has been using the reserve at index 2 as collateral:

It the result of the bitwise operations is not equal to 0, the function would return true. This indicates that the user has been using the reserve at reserveIndex = 2 as collateral.


Set the collateral bit for a specific asset to either 0 or 1, depending on bool usingAsCollateral.

(reserveIndex << 1) + 1

  • This bitwise operation doubles the index and increments it by 1

  • Creates the necessary offset to manipulate the relevant bits to the asset of specified index

  • For more in-depth explanation see: isUsingCollateral

bit = 1 << offset

If usingAsCollateral is true, indicating that the reserve should be marked as used for collateral,

  • bitwise OR operation between data and the bit value ( |= bit).

  • sets the corresponding bit in the variable to 1

If usingAsCollateral is false, indicating that the reserve should NOT be marked as collateral

  • bitwise AND operation between data and the bit value ( &= bit).

  • sets the corresponding bit in the variable to 0

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