#2 Basic Vault


Objectives: multi-user safe

  1. This is a single-token Vault that holds a pre-specified erc-20 token.

  2. Users can send tokens to the Vault contract.

  3. Vault contract records the user's token deposits.

  4. Users can withdraw their tokens only to the address they deposited from.


  • ERC20Mock.sol

  • BasicVault.sol

Vault contract

  1. Deposit: After approval (handles by front-end), token is deposited via transferFrom.

  2. Withdraw: Token is returned, and the Vault updates its user records.

Vault contract should import the IERC20 interface, take the Token address in the Vault constructor, and cast it into an IERC20 state variable

ERC2Mock contract

  1. Public, unrestricted mint() function (anyone should be able to mint)

  2. Use Yield's version: import https://github.com/yieldprotocol/yield-utils-v2/blob/main/contracts/mocks/ERC20Mock.sol

To better understand the ERC20.sol contract and its capabilities see: https://calnix.gitbook.io/solidity-lr/reference-contracts/erc-20.sol TLDR on using transfer vs transferFrom: https://calnix.gitbook.io/solidity-lr/reference-contracts/erc-20.sol/tldr-transfer-vs-transferfrom

Additional Details

  1. Add full NatSpec

  • contracts should have @title, @notice, @dev, @author.

  • functions should have @notice, @dev, @param, @return.

  • events should have @notice (no need param or return).

2. Implement CI so when you push to Github, your tests are run automatically.

  • https://gist.github.com/clifton/b5ee5286bb229281fb31d7c4b15e6f31

  • https://book.getfoundry.sh/config/continous-integration.html


// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "yield-utils-v2/contracts/token/IERC20.sol";

@title An on-chain name registry
@author Calnix
@dev Vault for a specific ERC20 token; token address to be passed to constructor.
@notice Vault for a pre-defined ERC20 token that was set on deployment. 

contract BasicVault {
    ///@notice ERC20 interface specifying token contract functions
    ///@dev For constant variables, the value has to be fixed at compile-time, while for immutable, it can still be assigned at construction time.
    IERC20 public immutable wmdToken;    

    ///@notice mapping addresses to their respective token balances
    mapping(address => uint) public balances;

    /// @notice Emit event when tokens are deposited into Vault
    event Deposited(address indexed from, uint amount);
    /// @notice Emit event when tokens are withdrawn from Vault
    event Withdrawal(address indexed from, uint amount);
    ///@param wmdToken_ ERC20 contract address
    constructor(IERC20 wmdToken_){
        wmdToken = wmdToken_;

    /// @notice User can deposit tokens into Vault
    /// @dev Expect Deposit to revert if transferFrom fails
    /// @param amount The amount of tokens to deposit
    function deposit(uint amount) external {    
        balances[msg.sender] += amount;

        bool success = wmdToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        require(success, "Deposit failed!"); 
        emit Deposited(msg.sender, amount);

    /// @notice User can withdraw tokens from Vault
    /// @dev Expect Withdraw to revert if transfer fails
    /// @param amount The amount of tokens to withdraw
    function withdraw(uint amount) external {      
        balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
        bool success = wmdToken.transfer(msg.sender, amount);
        require(success, "Withdrawal failed!");
        emit Withdrawal(msg.sender, amount);

Checks-effect-interaction pattern

Why does it matter?

When calling an external address, for example when transferring tokens to another account, the calling contract is also transferring the control flow to the external entity.

Assuming this external entity is a smart contract as well, the external entity is now in charge of the control flow and can execute any inherent code within it.

This can leave your contract open to re-entrancy attacks.

The high-level idea is as follows:

  1. check & update the internal states (balances)

  2. keep external interactions (function calls) to the last step

Essentially we will update our mappings balances to reflect any outflow, before initiating the transfer.

Further reading: https://www.securing.pl/en/reentrancy-attack-in-smart-contracts-is-it-still-a-problem/


  • Vault contract should be fully tested.

  • No need to test ERC20Mock. Assume it has been battle-tested.

  • WMDTokenWithFailedTransfers.sol is used to simulate token transfer failure, so that we can ensure our Vault functions behave accordingly in such situations.

Testing States

StateZero (user has no tokens)

  • cannot deposit (testUserCannotWithdraw)

  • cannot withdraw (testUserCannotDeposit)

  • fuzz testing (testUserMintApproveDeposit)

StateTokensMinted (user has minted 100 wmd tokens - only action available is deposit)

  • if transfer fails, deposit should revert (testDepositRevertsIfTransferFails)

  • deposit tokens into vault (testDeposit)

StateTokensDeposited (user has deposited tokens into Vault)

  • cannot withdraw if transfer fails (testWithdrawRevertsIfTransferFails)

  • cannot withdraw more than deposit (testUserCannotWithdrawExcessOfDeposit)

  • partial withdrawal (testUserWithdrawPartial)

  • full withdrawal (testUserWithdrawAll)

It’s better to test for a specific error type, than use vm.expectRevert as a catch-all leading to false positives.

As such, with regards to failing token transfers, observe the use of stdError.arithmeticError in both

  1. testFuzzUserCannotWithdraw

  2. testUserCannotWithdrawExcessOfDeposit


Testing Guidelines

  • All state variable changes in the contracts that you code.

  • All state variable changes in other contracts caused by calls from contracts that you code.

  • All require or revert in the contracts that you code.

  • All events being emitted.

  • All return values in contracts that you code.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "forge-std/console2.sol";

import 'src/BasicVault.sol';
import 'test/WMDTokenWithFailedTransfers.sol';

abstract contract StateZero is Test {
    BasicVault public vault;
    WMDTokenWithFailedTransfers public wmd;
    address user;

    event Deposited(address indexed from, uint amount);
    event Withdrawal(address indexed from, uint amount);

    function setUp() public virtual {
        wmd = new WMDTokenWithFailedTransfers();
        vault = new BasicVault(wmd);

        user = address(1);
        vm.label(user, "user");

contract StateZeroTest is StateZero {
    function testGetUserBalance() public {
        console2.log("Check User has zero tokens in vault");
        uint balance = vault.balances(user);
        assertTrue(balance == 0);

    function testUserCannotDeposit(uint amount) public {
        console2.log("User cannot deposit without tokens");
        vm.assume(amount > 0);
        vm.expectRevert("ERC20: Insufficient approval");
    function testUserMintApproveDeposit(uint amount) public {
        console2.log("User mints tokens and deposits into vault");
        vm.assume(amount > 0);
        wmd.mint(user, amount);
        wmd.approve(address(vault), amount);

        vm.expectEmit(true, false, false, true);
        emit Deposited(user, amount);

        assertTrue(wmd.balanceOf(user) == 0);
        assertTrue(vault.balances(user) == amount);


abstract contract StateMinted is StateZero {
    uint userTokens;
    function setUp() public override virtual {
        // state transition: user mints 100 tokens
        userTokens = 100 * 10**18;
        wmd.mint(user, userTokens);

contract StateMintedTest is StateMinted {

    function testFuzzUserCannotWithdraw(uint amount) public {
        console2.log("User cannot withdraw with no balance");
        vm.assume(amount > 0 && amount < wmd.balanceOf(user));

    function testDepositRevertsIfTransferFails() public {
        console2.log("Deposit transaction should revert if transfer fails");
        wmd.approve(address(vault), userTokens);
        vm.expectRevert("Deposit failed!");

    function testDeposit() public {
        console2.log("User deposits into Vault");
        wmd.approve(address(vault), userTokens);
        vm.expectEmit(true, false, false, true);
        emit Deposited(user, userTokens);
        assertTrue(vault.balances(user) == userTokens);
        assertTrue(wmd.balanceOf(user) == 0);


abstract contract StateDeposited is StateMinted {
    function setUp() public override virtual {
        wmd.approve(address(vault), userTokens);

contract StateDepositedTest is StateDeposited {
    function testWithdrawRevertsIfTransferFails() public {
        console2.log("Withdraw transaction should revert if transfer fails");
        vm.expectRevert("Withdrawal failed!");

    function testUserCannotWithdrawExcessOfDeposit() public {
        console2.log("User cannot withdraw more than he has deposited");
        vault.withdraw(userTokens + 100*10**18);

    function testUserWithdrawPartial() public {
        console2.log("User withdraws half of deposit from Vault");

        vm.expectEmit(true, false, false, true);
        emit Withdrawal(user, userTokens/2);

        assertEq(vault.balances(user), userTokens/2);
        assertEq(wmd.balanceOf(user), userTokens/2);
    function testUserWithdrawAll() public {
        console2.log("User to withdraw all deposits from Vault");

        vm.expectEmit(true, false, false, true);
        emit Withdrawal(user, userTokens);

        assertEq(vault.balances(user), 0);
        assertEq(wmd.balanceOf(user), userTokens);

I realized that for future testing perhaps splitting each state into a different file would be more sensible and accessible for the reader.

Github CI

name: Foundry-CI

      - RevisedCode

  run-tests:                    # job_id value
    name: Basic Vault           # Use jobs.<job_id>.name to a name for the job, which is displayed on GitHub.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest     # Container OS env
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          submodules: recursive

      - name: Install Foundry
        uses: onbjerg/foundry-toolchain@v1
          version: nightly

      - name: Run Forge tests
        run: forge test
        id: test
  • Its interesting to note that I could not apply this with windows-latest container. The action Install Foundry will return an Error: Unexpected HTTP response: 404)


On Rinkeby

  • WMD Token: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x944403ee436a6dff974983a2fa84ff37c587bad1#writeContract

  • Vault: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0xc5a93d9c0337352f0c2fd2743a2ffffd69818486#writeContract

# include .env file and export its env vars (-include to ignore error if it does not exist)
-include .env

	forge create src/WMDToken.sol:WMDToken --private-key ${PRIVATE_KEY_EDGE} --rpc-url ${RINKEBY_RPC_URL}

	forge verify-contract --chain-id ${RINKEBY_CHAINID} --compiler-version v0.8.13+commit.abaa5c0e ${WMD_CONTRACT_ADDRESS} src/WMDToken.sol:WMDToken ${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY} --num-of-optimizations 200 --flatten
	forge verify-check --chain-id ${RINKEBY_CHAINID} ${WMD_GUID} ${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}

	forge create src/BasicVault.sol:BasicVault --private-key ${PRIVATE_KEY_EDGE} --rpc-url ${ETH_RPC_URL} --constructor-args "0xB725d02bf6B89E659762A4760109a8478C4d22D0"

	forge verify-contract --chain-id ${RINKEBY_CHAINID} --compiler-version v0.8.13+commit.abaa5c0e ${VAULT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS} src/BasicVault.sol:BasicVault ${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY} --num-of-optimizations 200 --flatten --constructor-args 0x000000000000000000000000b725d02bf6b89e659762a4760109a8478c4d22d0

	forge verify-check --chain-id ${RINKEBY_CHAINID} ${VAULT_GUID} ${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}

As previously mentioned, the values of contract address and GUID have to be updated in .env as we flow through the make commands.

When deploying the Vault contract, we need to pass the WMDToken contract address together with the flag, like so:

forge create src/BasicVault.sol:BasicVault --private-key <0x123214> --rpc-url https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/8f4d69691d4a4636acb00ec3c933291b --constructor-args 0x944403EE436a6dFF974983a2fA84FF37c587BAD1

Subsequently, when verifying we need to pass the abi-encoded constructor arguments together with the --constructor-args flag

cast abi-encode "constructor(address)" 0x944403EE436a6dFF974983a2fA84FF37c587BAD1


Take the output from above and pass it into your verify command, like so:

forge verify-contract --chain-id 4 --compiler-version v0.8.13+commit.abaa5c0e 0xc5a93d9c0337352f0c2fd2743a2ffffd69818486 src/BasicVault.sol:BasicVault I5CK8CJ7FZ6BWQ6YGFD4U3E7CFTNWQJ3A3 --num-of-optimizations 200 --flatten --constructor-args 0x000000000000000000000000944403ee436a6dff974983a2fa84ff37c587bad1

Last updated