Smart Contract Life-cycle

How to start, stop, update and destroy a smart contract.

Insecure Example

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.1;

contract StartStopUpdateExample {

    function sendMoney() public payable {


    function withdrawAllMoney(address payable _to) public {
  • with sendMoney() we can send the SC some ETH

  • with withdrawAllMoney(), anyone can input their address and withdraw all balances.

Secure Example

We will secure this SC by ensuring that the person interacting with withdrawAllMoney is the same as the one who deployed the Smart Contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.1;

contract StartStopUpdateExample {
    // set ownership
    address public owner;
        owner = msg.sender;

    function sendMoney() public payable {

    function withdrawAllMoney(address payable _to) public {
        require(owner == msg.sender, "You are not the the owner - cannot withdraw!");

  • create an address state variable to hold the owner's address.

  • use constructor, which will run on deployment, to assign owner with the deployer's address.

    • whomever deploys is deemed to be the owner automatically.

  • add conditional check, require statement, to withdraw function

    • require is like if, if this condition is true -> proceed. else fails.

    • require checks if the person initiating the withdraw function is indeed owner.

    • if true, balances transferred.

    • If require evaluates to false it will stop the transaction, roll-back any changes made so far and emit the error message as String.

Note, the msg.sender would be different for the constructor and the withdraw as these are two different interactions with 2 different messages.

msg of constructor -> emitted on whomever deployed

msg of withdraw -> emitted on whomever calling withdraw()

An alternative

An alternative way is require(_to == owner, "...'), this will only allow withdrawals made to the owner/deployer's address.

The above allows the owner to withdraw to an address of choice, different from his deployment wallet.

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