caching sload into mload

Cache read variables in memory


function liquidation(address user) external onlyOwner { 
    uint collateralRequired = getCollateralRequired(debts[user]);

    if (collateralRequired > deposits[user]){
        emit Liquidation(address(collateral), address(debt), user, debts[user], deposits[user]); 
        delete deposits[user];
        delete debts[user];

Both debts[user] & deposits[user] are storage variables, given we are looking to pass a value from a mapping that was declared and as a public variable.

  • A single SLOAD costs 2100 gas, and is unavoidable the first time.

  • The second instance, (line 5), we are reloading the SLOAD from cache and it will cost 100 gas.

  • Hence the repetitive use of debts[user] twice will cost us 2200 gas.

Ever since EIP-2929 the first SLOAD operation costs 2100 gas, but once that memory is read, it is cached and considered considered warm, which has a cost of 100 gas to load again.


To combat that, you could always store the object in memory, and load it from there, which is much cheaper.

So what you could do is write from storage to memory once (SLOAD + MSTORE = 2103 gas), then read the memory variable twice (MLOAD + MLOAD) = 6 gas.

  • SLOAD + MSTORE = 2103 gas

  • MLOAD + MLOAD = 6 gas

  • Total = 2109 gas

function liquidation(address user) external onlyOwner { 
    uint userDebt = debts[user];             //saves an extra SLOAD
    uint userDeposit = deposits[user];       //saves an extra SLOAD

    require(!_isCollateralized(userDebt, userDeposit), "Not undercollateralized");

    delete deposits[user];
    delete debts[user];
    emit Liquidation(address(collateral), address(debt), user, userDebt, userDeposit); 

Last updated