Bidul Ideas

  1. Build NFT project

    1. Tzeetch Birds - find artist

  2. Take an existing application, fork it, and move it to another chain

    1. Does this EVM network have lending, do flashloans, etc

    2. Fork the contract (check license) + Build your own UIUX FE

  3. Add your own features onto existing Dapps and charge a fee

    1. Like 1inch, Dex Aggregator (on Moonriver/Glimmer?)

    2. Zapper.Fi

  4. Build Staking Business

    1. Idea: build a FE to auto-select which collator to stake with on MOVR/GLMR

      1. put in amt, check and makes sure you are in top XXX.

    2. Run the node

      1. let others stake with you (??)

      2. then sell the node after

    3. Node as a Service - ppl can use it to spin up their own nodes

NFT swap on moonriver

Last updated