Project #1: Simple Registry


  • Users (identified by an address) can claim a name, which is recorded on-chain.

  • Once a name has been claimed, no other user can claim it.

  • A name owner can release a name.

  • A user can claim any number of names.


  • A mapping to serve as a registry.

  • Function to register names.

  • Function to release ownership of a name.

  • Events to announce state changes for each function.

Base Code

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

@title An on-chain name registry
@author Calnix
@notice A registed name can be released, availing to be registered by another user
contract SimpleNameRegister {
    /// @notice Map a name to an address to identify current holder 
    mapping (string => address) public holder;    

    /// @notice Emit event when a name is registered
    event Register(address indexed holder, string name);

    /// @notice Emit event when a name is released
    event Release(address indexed holder, string name);

    /// @notice User can register an available name
    /// @param name The string to register
    function register(string calldata name) external {
        require(holder[name] == address(0), "Already registered!");
        holder[name] = msg.sender;
        emit Register(msg.sender, name);

    /// @notice Holder can release a name, making it available
    /// @param name The string to release
    function release(string calldata name) external {
        require(holder[name] == msg.sender, "Not your name!");
        delete holder[name];
        emit Release(msg.sender, name);

1. Mapping: associating names to their respective owner's address

mapping (string => address) public holder;    
  • initialized as a public state variable.

  • solidity will automatically create a getter function for it, which we can use to pass a name as parameter to check ownership.

  • If there is no owner, the address returned will be 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

2. Function to allow a user to register their ownership of a name

    function register(string calldata name) external {
        require(holder[name] == address(0), "Already registered!");
        holder[name] = msg.sender;
        emit Register(msg.sender, name);
  • require statement checks if the name passed is available to be claimed.

  • If available, passed name is mapped to the address of the msg.sender via the mapping holder

  • event Registered emitted each time a name is registered.

3. Function to allow a user to relinquish their ownership of a name

    function release(string calldata name) external {
        require(holder[name] == msg.sender, "Not your name!");
        delete holder[name];
        emit Release(msg.sender, name);
  • require statement checks if the name passed is indeed registered to the function caller (msg.sender)

  • If so, we reset the mapped address of the name to the zero address.

    • mappings can be seen as hash tables which are virtually initialized such that every possible key exists and is mapped to default values.

    • the default value for address type will be 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 or address(0)

  • event Releaseemitted each time a name is relinquished.


Events allow us to “print” information on the blockchain in a way that is more searchable and gas efficient than just saving to public storage variables in our smart contracts.


  • A single address could be the owner of multiple names.

  • It would be useful if the end-user could simply supply their address to check which are the names registered to them.

  • Achieving this one to many structure on-chain would not be gas efficient.

Solution: Using Events

  • Run a background task that subscribes to events from the contract.

  • This background task will listen to events as they are emitted and track the list of addresses for each owner via some centralized database.

  • Website front-end can read from this database and reflect accordingly.


Testing in Solidity is somewhat different from other frameworks like brownie, as they would be done in Solidity. Essentially we deploy a test contract containing our test functions.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "ds-test/test.sol";
import 'src/SimpleNameRegister.sol';

interface CheatCodes {
    function prank(address) external;
    function expectRevert(bytes calldata) external;
    function startPrank(address) external;
    function stopPrank() external;

contract SimpleNameRegisterTest is DSTest {
    // declare state var.
    SimpleNameRegister simpleNameRegister;
    CheatCodes cheats;
    address adversary;

    function setUp() public {
        simpleNameRegister = new SimpleNameRegister();
        cheats = CheatCodes(HEVM_ADDRESS);
        adversary = 0xE6A2e85916802210147e366D4431f5ca4dD51a78;

    // user can register an available name
    function testRegisterName(string memory _testString) public {
        bool success = (address(this) == simpleNameRegister.nameOwner(_testString));
    // user can register an available name and relinquish it
    function testRelinquishName(string memory _testString) public {
        bool success = (simpleNameRegister.nameOwner(_testString) == address(0));

    // user cannot relinquish a name that does not belong to them
    function testRelinquishAsNotOwner(string memory _testString) public {
        cheats.expectRevert(bytes("The provided name does not belong to you!"));
    // user cannot register a name that already has an owner
    function testRegisterUnavailableName(string memory _testString) public {

        cheats.expectRevert(bytes("The provided name has already been registered!"));

function setUp()

The setup function is invoked before each test case is run. Serves to setup the necessary variables and conditions for your test functions to operate.

  • deploy a fresh instance of SimpleNameRegister before each test function is ran via simpleNameRegister = new SimpleNameRegister()

  • address adversary will be used in test 3 & 4

Each test is run as independent cases -> changes made in a prior test function will not spill out of scope into a following test function (See more:

Linear vs State Inheritance Approach


forge create src/SimpleNameRegister.sol:SimpleNameRegister --private-key ${PRIVATE_KEY_EDGE} --rpc-url ${ETH_RPC_URL}
  • Forge can deploy only one contract at a time.

  • Solidity files may contain multiple contracts. :MyContract above specifies which contract to deploy from the src/MyContract.sol file


forge verify-contract --chain-id ${KOVAN_CHAINID} --compiler-version v0.8.13+commit.abaa5c0e ${CONTRACT_ADDRESS} src/SimpleNameRegister.sol:SimpleNameRegister ${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY} --num-of-optimizations 200

Set --num-of-optimizations 200

If not set on deployment, foundry defaults to 200. So make sure you pass --num-of-optimizations 200 if you left the default compilation settings

Check verification

forge verify-check --chain-id ${KOVAN_CHAINID} ${GUID} ${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}

Running the above three commands manually, each time can be bothersome. To that end, create a new file 'MakeFile' in the project root directory if one does not exist.

# include .env file and export its env vars (-include to ignore error if it does not exist)
include .env

	forge create src/SimpleNameRegister.sol:SimpleNameRegister --private-key ${PRIVATE_KEY_EDGE} --rpc-url ${ETH_RPC_URL}

	forge verify-contract --chain-id ${KOVAN_CHAINID} --compiler-version v0.8.13+commit.abaa5c0e ${CONTRACT_ADDRESS} src/SimpleNameRegister.sol:SimpleNameRegister ${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY} --num-of-optimizations 200 --flatten

	forge verify-check --chain-id ${KOVAN_CHAINID} ${GUID} ${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}

Now you will only need to run:

  • make deploy

  • make verify

  • make verify-check

Be sure to update the contract address and GUID values in .env for each deployment as they would change.

Note: For make verify, the --flatten flag may ONLY be necessary on a window machine. If verification fails, try without it. If it still fails, its in god's hands now.

Last updated