Account types
accounts[0] -- dummy ganache accounts
accounts.add("env") -- private key from env file
-> accounts.add(config["wallets"]["wallet1"])
accounts.load("id") -- load from brownie accounts list
Iteration 1
account = get_account()
get_account is defined in helpful_scripts
Function will check which network we are deploying to. If it is in LOCAL_BLOCKCHAIN_ENV / FORKED_LOCAL_ENV, a dummy ganache account is used.
forking mainnet into a private env, so can use dummy accounts.
Else, (i.e. live chains: mainnet, testnet), MetaMask wallet is used.
pulls private key from wallet1 defined in brownie-config.yaml
which in turn references the PK stored in the .env file
we do this, as opposed to hardcoding into the yaml file, so that on a git push, the .env is not uploaded to github, thereby exposing our private key.
In this version of get_accounts(), we only utilized dummy accounts and adding accounts from Private Key. We shall see the third method in the next interation.
Iteration 2
def get_account(index=None,id=None):
both parameters, index
and id
are optional, as their default value is set to None
and id
are optional, as their default value is set to None
.if index parameter is passed, function will return a dummy ganache account based on the parameter
if id is passed, for example, get_account(id=freecodecamp)
function will reference stored accounts in brownie of the id name
can store an account by: brownie accounts new <id>
pass the private key, add 0x before it.
brownie will request for a password to hash it.
If neither index nor id are passed,
and deployment into LOCAL_BLOCKCHAIN_ENV / FORKED_LOCAL_ENV -> account[0]
else (live chains: mainnet/rinkeby), -> use PK from config.yaml file
In summary,
if index specified -> use ganache account
if id specified -> use id, stored account
none specified -> if local/forked env, use dummy, else use PK from config.yaml
Last updated