

  • The fallback() function is a special function in Solidity that is used to define a default behavior if no other functions have been called.

  • It is triggered when a contract receives a transaction or message call and no other functions match the given signature.

It's mainly used to enable the contract to receive ETH.

// This fallback function will keep all the Ether

fallback() external payable {
    balance[msg.sender] += msg.value;
  • must be marked external payable

  • cannot take any parameters

Receive v Fallback v payable

  • To handle these scenarios when someone sends ETH directly to a contract, and does not call payable functions, we use receive and fallback functions.

  • If someone sends ETH to a smart contract without passing calldata and there is a receive function, the receive function is executed.

  • If there is no receive function, then the fallback is executed.

  • If there is no receive or fallback, then the transaction reverts.

  • receive is for receiving ether without calling data.

// msg.data is empty
address.call{value : 1 ether}("");   
  • payable function is for receiving ether with data

address.call{value : 1 ether}(abi.encodeWithSignature('fundme()');

If you want your contract to receive Ether, you should implement receive.

Using fallback for receiving Ether is not recommended, since it would catchall, and not fail on interface confusions.

Last updated