Shadowing in Fuctions
Variables in solidity can be shadowed, meaning they can be declared multiple times within the same scope with the same name, but with different values. This can lead to unexpected results, particularly when the variable is used in a function.
Why does the value of n
test 1 and 4 differ?
test 1:
behaves as if it has been assigned the value of0
,test 4:
behaves like the storage variable declared at the start of the contract.
In test 1, n is declared as a local variable, within the returns type.
Local variables take precedence over storage variables in the case of shadowing.
Local variable
is declared without assignment.An unassigned uint variable will be of the default value
We see this again in test 3 with x
x == 0, n == 3
Both variables are locally declared.
However, x does not have an assignment, and defaults to 0.
test6 works as expected since there is no shadowing involved. test5 returns 0
Within the function body, a new unsigned integer variable
is declared and assigned the value of 7.However, this variable declaration is shadowing the return value declaration of
from the function signature.Return value declaration takes precedence!
This gotcha was contributed - courtesy of devtooligan
Last updated