Variable Types

Data types

Solidity supports a variety of data types, including:

  • Boolean: bool

  • Integer: int and uint of various sizes

  • Address: address

  • Bytes: bytes and byte

  • String: string

  • Arrays: array

  • Structs: struct

  • Enumerations: enum

Default values

The concept of “undefined” or “null” values does not exist in Solidity. Declared and unassigned variables have a default value dependent on its type.

  • (u)int = 0

  • bool = False

  • string = ""



The bool type in Solidity can have one of two values: true or false. It is used to represent conditions that can be either true or false. Here's an example:

bool isReady = true;


The int and uint types in Solidity are used to represent signed and unsigned integers, respectively. The size of the integer can vary depending on the number of bits used to represent it. Here are some examples:

int8 myInt8 = -10; 
uint256 myUint256 = 1000;


The address type in Solidity is used to represent Ethereum addresses. An Ethereum address is a 20-byte value that represents an account on the Ethereum blockchain. Here's an example:

address myAddress = 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890;


The bytes type in Solidity is used to represent a dynamic array of bytes. The byte type is used to represent a single byte. Here are some examples:

bytes memory myBytes = new bytes(10); 
byte myByte = 0x12;


The string type in Solidity is used to represent a dynamic array of characters. Here's an example:

string memory myString = "Hello, World!";


Solidity supports both fixed-size and dynamic arrays. Here's an example of a fixed-size array:

uint256[3] myArray = [1, 2, 3];

And here's an example of a dynamic array:

uint256[] myDynamicArray;


A struct is a custom data type that allows you to define a collection of variables with different data types. Here's an example:

struct Person { 
    string name; 
    uint256 age; 

Person myPerson = Person("Alice", 25);


An enumeration is a custom data type that allows you to define a set of named values. Here's an example:

enum Status {

    // Returns uint
    // Pending  - 0
    // Shipped  - 1
    // Accepted - 2
    // Rejected - 3
    // Canceled - 4

// Default value is the first element listed: "Pending"
Status public status;

// returns 0
function get() public view returns (Status) {
    return status;

// Update status by passing uint into input
function set(Status _status) public {
    status = _status;

// You can update to a specific enum like this
function cancel() public {
    status = Status.Canceled;

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