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Moves amount
tokens from sender
to recipient
using the allowance mechanism. amount
is then deducted from the caller’s allowance.
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
Emits a Transfer
If A has an allowance granted by B with yourToken.sol, A has the liberty to transfer the tokens to destination address of choice. A is not limited to transferring its allowance only to its' own address.
userA calls transferFrom() on service contract
spender = caller of _msgSender() -> spender = service contract
_spendAllowance(from, servicecontract, amt)
servicecontract's allowance is decremented
_transfer(from, to, amt).
userA calls sellTokens() - function of Service contract
within the scope of sellTokens(), msg.sender = userA
msg.sender = userA, gets passed as parameter into .transferFrom()
inside transferFrom(), Service contract calls _msgSender() - function of YourToken.sol
within internal scope, Service contract calls Token contract
msgSender() = Service contract
spender = Service Contract