
Mapping is a data structure in Solidity that allows a programmer to store, retrieve and modify data in a key-value pair format. It is similar to a hash table or dictionary in other languages.


Let's assume we want to store a list of people and their ages. We can do this with a mapping like this:

mapping (address => uint) public peopleAges;

Initialization & Assignment

  • On Initialization, all possible key-value pairs are already initialized.

  • Accessing unassigned key-value pairs will return the default value for that value type.

  • This is because the hash that points to the location in storage has not been generated & we have not written a value thus far.

Assignment of values must be done inside a function

  • cannot simply do myMapping[1] = "test" (like python)


//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

contract SimpleMappingExample {

    mapping(uint => bool) public myMapping;
    mapping(address => bool) public myAddressMapping;

    function setValue(uint _index) public {
        myMapping[_index] = true;

    function setMyAddressToTrue() public {
        myAddressMapping[msg.sender] = true;
  1. On initialization, myMapping[1] will return the default bool value of false.

  2. Then we call setValue setting -> myMapping[1] = true

  3. Subsequently, when we call myMapping[1], we are returned true as set earlier.

Nested Mapping

mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => string)) public userData;

// accessing nested mapping
userData[address][uint256] = 'John'
  • This creates a mapping from an address to a mapping of uints to strings.

  • This allows us to store a string value associated with a given address and a given uint.

  • This could be used to store user data associated with a particular address and a particular event or transaction.

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