adv_deploy() + Testing

  • OpenSea testnet is on Rinkeby

from brownie import AdvancedCollectible
from scripts.helpful_scripts import get_account, OpenSeaURL, get_contract, fund_with_link
from brownie import config, network 

# OpenSea Testnet is on rinkeby
def deploy():
    account = get_account()
    advanced_collectible = AdvancedCollectible.deploy(
        config["networks"][network.show_active()]["keyhash"], {"from": account}, publish_source = config["networks"][network.show_active()].get("verify", False) )

    # fund w/ link

    # create
    create_tx = advanced_collectible.createCollectible({"from": account})
    print("New NFT has been created")
    return advanced_collectible, create_tx

def main():

We can deploy to either our local environment or rinkeby for testing. Unit testing will be done locally, while integration testing will be conducted on rinkeby.

Unit Testing
from brownie import AdvancedCollectible, network
from scripts.helpful_scripts import get_account, LOCAL_BLOCKCHAIN_ENV, FORKED_LOCAL_ENV, get_contract
from scripts.AdvCollectible.adv_deploy import deploy
import pytest

def test_can_create_advanced_collectible():
    # Arrange
    if network.show_active() not in LOCAL_BLOCKCHAIN_ENV:
    # Act
    advanced_collectible, create_tx = deploy()
    requestId =["requestCollectible"]["requestId"]
    random_number = 777

    ## function callBackWithRandomness(bytes32 requestId,uint256 randomness,address consumerContract)
    get_contract("vrf_coordinator").callBackWithRandomness(requestId, random_number, advanced_collectible.address, {"from": get_account()})

    # Assert
    assert advanced_collectible.tokenCounter() == 1 
    assert advanced_collectible.tokenIdToBreed(0) == random_number % 3
  • Since this will be executed on development network(ganache-cli), we will need mocks deployed.

  • Additionally, we will need to simulate the off-chain response to the VRF coordinator, and it calling callBackWithRandomness.

  • Here we opt to pass 777 as our random number.

  • Assert that NFT is minted

    • tokenCounter incremented

    • breed assigned

Integration Testing
from brownie import AdvancedCollectible, network
from scripts.helpful_scripts import get_account, LOCAL_BLOCKCHAIN_ENV, FORKED_LOCAL_ENV, get_contract
from scripts.AdvCollectible.adv_deploy import deploy
import pytest
import time

def test_can_create_advanced_collectible_integration():
    # Arrange
    if network.show_active() in LOCAL_BLOCKCHAIN_ENV:
        pytest.skip("Only for integration testing on rinkeby")
    # Act
    advanced_collectible, create_tx = deploy()

    # Assert
    assert advanced_collectible.tokenCounter() == 1 

This will be executed on rinkeby.

Even if we are testing only one function (-k), brownie will collect and compile all tests - so if there are errors in the others, they will be surfaced.

Interacting with rinkeby deployment

from brownie import AdvancedCollectible
from scripts.helpful_scripts import fund_with_link, get_account, get_contract
from web3 import Web3

# for interacting with live rinkeby deployed contract
def main():
    account = get_account()
    advanced_collectible = AdvancedCollectible[-1]
    # fund with link
    fund_with_link(advanced_collectible.address, amount=Web3.toWei(0.1, "ether"))

    # create
    create_tx = advanced_collectible.createCollectible({"from": account})
    print("New NFT has been created")
    return advanced_collectible, create_tx

This will reference our most recent rinkeby deployment, as per our build folder. If there was no previous deployment or build folder was deleted, AdvancedCollectible[-1] will error out.

Last updated