Multi-Dimensional arrays
Nested/Multi-D arrays
Multi-dimensional arrays are essentially nested arrays (An array that contain other arrays)
T[k][k] : Two-Dimensional, Fixed-size
T[ ][ ] : Two-Dimensional, Dynamic-size
T[ ][k] or T[k][] : Two-Dimensional, Mixed-size
Multi-dimensional arrays can have any level of nesting
T[2][2][2] : Three-Dimensional, Fixed-Size (all k are the same)
T[2][8][4][12] : Four-Dimensional, Fixed-Sizes ( k‘s are of different values)
T[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] : Five-Dimensional, Dynamic-Size
T[ ][3][2][ ][9][ ] : Six-Dimensional, Mixed-Size
You cannot have different types within nested arrays
The maximum level of nesting for nested arrays is 15. If you try to create a variable with 16 nested arrays, you will get a ‘stack too deep’ error. As stack pointer in the EVM cannot access a slot in the stack that is deeper than is 16th element (top down).
Indexing and Referencing
Things may be a little counter-intuitive because the X & Y axis are reversed.
top-level is a dynamic array, with any number of elements
each nested element is a fixed-array of size 2
So, to reference such things, the dynamic dimension is high order.
When declaring, we are declaring in reverse, from bottom to the top-most level.
When slicing/indexing, we operate normally, from top down.
Mixed-size: nested dynamic
Fixed-size applied to the top level of nesting. The nested elements can be of any length.
[ [0,1], [2], [3], [7,8,9] ]
There can only be 4 top level elements, where each element is a dynamic array.
Can add as many nested elements as needed. no restrictions.
If its a storage array, we can use push to add new elements.
values[0] = [0, 1, 13]
Push is only for storage arrays
push is not available
Must init the nested dynamic array with a specified length.
However, each nested array can have a different length.
"Free-sizing" arrays are not allowed in memory - their lengths must be defined and unchanged for memory allocation.
values[0] is of length 2
values[1] is of length 3
Use loop to populate elements of a nested array
nodes and tree[0] are connected by the same memory reference
any changes made to one, is reflected in the other, as the same memory location is being updated.
tree[0] = [6,6,6] = nodes
Dynamic nested arrays in memory are possible contingent on the fact that their lengths are defined before assignment.
This reduces them to a fixed-size array.
However, they are "dynamic" in that each nested array could be of different length.
Mixed-size array, top dynamic
Top level is dynamic, can take as many elements as needed. However, each element must be an array of size 2.
Cannot values.push([3, 4 , 5]); as its a fixed-array with 3 elements.
Cannot values[3] = [7, 8]; must use push method.
The top level is dynamic and its length is undefined;
We must first define it.
In doing so it becomes a nested fixed-fixed array.
This might seems redundant. But who knows?
Nested fixed-fixed
2 top-level elements
each element can be an array of fixed size 4
[ [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8] ]
Example 4: nested dynamic
tree.length = 0
tree[0].length will revert.
Last updated