

Receive is a special function in Solidity that allows contracts to receive funds from external accounts.

  • It cannot have arguments.

  • It cannot return data.

  • It has external visibility and is marked payable


Use receive() to accept ether:

contract MyContract {    // Receive Ether    
    receive() external payable { // Do something with the received ether }

The receive function can also be used to accept tokens:

import "./token.sol"; // A standard ERC20 token 

contract MyContract {    
    Token token; 
    constructor(address _tokenAddress) {        
        token = Token(_tokenAddress);    
    // Receive ERC20 tokens    
    receive() external payable {        
        uint256 amount = msg.value;        
        token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);    

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