Deployment to ganache

brownie automatically handles ganache initiation through ganache-cli

To proceed with deployment of the Smart Contract, we first need to import it into our script so we can interact with it.

#import contract into script: 
#from brownie import .. , .., <name of contract>
from brownie import accounts, config, SimpleStorage

#put all the deplyment logic in one fucntion:
def deploy_simple_storage():
    #local ganache accounts
    account = accounts[0]

    #select which account to deploy from
    simple_storage = SimpleStorage.deploy({"from": account})

Specify which account to deploy from. Brownie will build,sign and send the transaction.

simple_storage will store the return of the .deploy function -> it is a contract object.

The output, when printing simple_storage is the smart contract address:

When brownie compiles the project, it creates ContractContainer objects for each deployable contract.

  • This object is a container, used to access individual deployments.

  • It is also used to deploy new contracts.

  • For example, SimpleStorage is a ContractContainer object which we import from brownie

  • ContractContainer.deploy is used to deploy a new contract.

  • Calling ContractContainer.deploy returns a ProjectContract object. The returned object is also appended to the ContractContainer

  • hence, len(ContractContainer) -> instances of deployment

Interacting with your Contracts

Once a contract has been deployed, you can interact with it via via calls and transactions.

  • Transactions are broadcast to the network and recorded on the blockchain. They cost ether to run, and are able to alter the state to the blockchain.

  • Calls are used to execute code on the network without broadcasting a transaction. They are free to run, and cannot alter the state of the blockchain in any way. Calls are typically used to retrieve a storage value from a contract using a getter method.



  • brownie does not automatically deploy all the contracts in our contracts folder.

  • we must specify what we want deployed through our python code.

Last updated