Testnet deployment

brownie networks list

displays list of networks:

Deployment networks

  • these are temporary, like ganache networks.

  • networks are torn down after running

  • contracts and transactions sent on these networks are deleted after our script completes

Connecting to a blockchain node

With remix we used MetaMask to connect to a proper testnet. In brownie, there is no such injection connection.

To connect to a blockchain node, we will use the RPC URL provided by infura or alchemy.

  • create a project in Infura

  • go to project settings, and look for project ID:

  • in .env add the following line:

    • export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID = cd3a18407dfe4d2597f756dafe2804d6

Deploying to Rinkeby

brownie run scripts/deploy.py --network rinkeby

We can look up the transaction hashes and the contract address on rinkeby etherscan.

Last updated